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Writer's picture: Rippin LadiesRippin Ladies

Updated: Mar 2, 2023

Hey crew!

As we are in the middle of the season and the snow keeps falling, we thought it was time we give you guys a bit of an update on what Novia has been up to as of late.

We are currently in full film and organization mode for our larger film which we will be releasing this upcoming October. A crew of 8 girls just spent the past two weeks up in Canada BC doing a lot of skiing and filming with the help of Kicking Horse Mountain, Tourism Golden and Revelstoke. We are planning on heading to Salt Lake to film within the next few months as well.

On the other side of things, our non-profit was confirmed with a 501(c)(3) number and we are excited to share that with you. This number may allow you to claim a deduction on your federal taxes for any donations you make to us. We are very excited to continue our mission to inspire, empower and create by not only producing content but also holding events for the community to get together.

In finding ways to bring our community together we decided to start holding clinics for female and non binary individuals to hang out and learn some skills along the way. We held our first rail clinic last Saturday at a local park in Bozeman. We got the opportunity to set up a few PVC features that were borrowed to us. We had on estimate 13 girls show up and try out some park skis, learn how to slide a box and rail and meet some new friends. The turn out was amazing and we can't thank those of you who were able to come out enough. Looking into the future we hope to be able to host another event like this as well as some other activities to get everyone together as much as we can.

Other than clinics, Novia Production was one of the many sponsors of the MSU rail jam. We felt a major lack of female presence in this event last year so we decided to do something about it. By partnering with MSU, we hoped that we would be able to spike the number of girl applications and get enough to have a category of our own. The contest was last Saturday February 11th and there were a total of 9 girls (6 skiers, 3 snowboarders). It's small but it's a huge start. At this event we also were selling merch and giving away more information about who we are.

Now onto merch! Our own lovely Ellie Huff has blessed us with her creative mind and desire to learn to screen print. In the past few months we have been working to create some hand made pieces for you guys of Novia’s original artwork. We hope to have these available on the website soon as we create more pieces. If you're interested in ordering anything from us don't hesitate to reach out, we can do a certain amount of requested pieces for those of you who don't live in Bozeman and want to support us with some merch.

That's all from us for now but be on the lookout for more content drops on our Instagram ( as well as any info to come! We appreciate all of you and couldn't do this without all of the support!! Can't wait for more!

-Novia crew:)

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